Monday 4 November 2019

PEAR for life (workasslave)


    gday mate! how you going!?  whatever you are i hoping you all in a good mood !

↠ just a short quick story about my workplace since 2017-2019.

2017 bismillahirahmanirahim, I 'll story all them yah ;p firstly , I still kerja tempat sama at kalafatis fresh produce, I stay working there because i can make money! haha saving money, and some people are stil nice to me maybe? haha and also im still workin with my love also my husband And forever my boyfriend :p (thanks baby love you). Another side, a friends? i had made many friends from different country around the world! haha

2018    Now, lets we jump up to another story! about what
work? i ve' been packing the pears for a years and be a good packer also bad packer hahah (packed rubbish) no hole, no rotten, no leaf!
becarefull the good ones, HURRY UP GIRLSSS..!! that sound stuck in my head for ever i think haha. well the things goes around back to me tho. The orangey for a good girl and good packer. and fast girl only! hahah. well first day you have to wear green vest,after you become a really good damn packer , then you will get the orange vest. like achieve the medal hahahhaha silly. its fun tho, and its challenge you to be a good packer fruits in the entire australia ! hahaha well you know what i mean :p btw, that not the points, at least you get to know how to pack fruits and make new friends ! many people workin there can really make money! yah a freakin good money, just come to work 6days a week, damn you never will find other jobs hahah trust me, you just be a good good packer and boom! money come to you. well i telling this, i just workin in 2weeks only i can afford to buy damn iphone8 plus!!! imagine that so awesome right? haha . okey that it! ↘ here part2 after a year↙


 ya got promotion as QC (quality controler) which is about checking fruits, and do some paperworks and ya i like that, writing also one of my hobby! so i would love to do that job :) thanks to some people that support me from behind :)so since that 2018 i cant remember when i starting , but things getting worse from begining hahah i made it so hard cause i was scared to hold that responsibility. oh silly me, i always made things harder than i thought, so here something happen again, my favourite supervisor (Tai she is Samoan) she quit, and im helping do more works on graders, well i learn many more things, im getting comfortable with people and my jobs also easier than before!. yey ..
suddenly after a few months my other supervisor (Lolok she is taiwanese) she also leaving... :( around may 2019. after that im holding that title as 'Supervisor' which is more harder than other jobs you have to , must to managed everything by ur own way, A fucking big responsibility !!! holyshit this is nut! i was so freaking out and im crying so much cause im scared of many things, 
:( running the PEARLINE!! grader that surrounding with more than 20 girls and some man too and other people aswell. every discussion must tell manager every single things you step on that grader has their risks. imagined i was 21 and i have to give instructions  and direction to all the girls that oldest and bigger than you. ( im just a little small Siti)haha i never care who like me or dislike me! go away if you doesnt listen to me haha . im try by my own way to make everything goes smooth :), well not that easy not that hard so yah risk my life eh no, risk my time and emotional mood mental for that job.i always say to myself that IM A'SUPERSHIT maybe? hmm never thought i do better , never better,yah i just finish the order and try hard do my best ! try not to get in trouble hehe..i never feel satisfied .idk why..btw im happy with what im handling, im happy with this all. there so many laughing n cried just for pearline.

but! now i feel a bit RELIEF ,cause after 3month i think maybe, i did asked the manager (George)to find other supervisor, cause i need to take some breaks and holiday..well a little boss bitch need some short vacay hahaha . so george bringin this malaysian girl. as my i 've been teaching her everything that i know about running the f Pearline grader. ;) yah. tadaa New supervisor has be replaced! haha so yah idk now november 2019 im gonna leaving soon.w so sad so happy so upset so many feelings...i cant describe how i feel right now, hope everything will be fine :) 
                god blessing insyallah,. Ameen!

             ↴ here i put some pictures for yall to see...

The view at every sunrise and sunset when we walked to go Kalafatis.

we gathering , party new year and chirstmas 2018.  

 from this pictures only 4 left still...the others are already leaving ...
a lovely packham hahah 

                        funny silly pears..

i just sitting like a boss bitch haha

sometimes we get chocolate from girls that leaving..

some random monster create by the girlsss hahah 

a josephinesss 

and corellasss!

and a milions more pears for packing..

 and..the girls are leaving too...

love laugh pear family!

the sad part when you have to said 'GOODBYE' to the girls that been workin hard and helping each other to finish everyday order . but we can say that we are so inlove with 

 PearFect Girls In the PEARLINE,  and We are the PearFamily ! ...
we did it!

''people always come and go, but . i do believe one day,

 'May we meet again...

love from me :p siti ,small one!

p/s sorry for my broken english or grammar or spelling hahah 


         Hi everyone? i hope yall in a good way. so today i'm gonna sharing with you about the Cactus Country In Victoria , Aus. i j...